By Pravin Jeyaraj Kristian Fuzi, a PhD student at the University of Mancester, is interested in speaking to workers on zero hours contracts as part of study into how their working arrangement has affected their finances during the pandemic. He is looking to hear from zero hours workers in all sectors, particularly individuals aged 30-50 who are earning roughly between £12,000 and £20,000 per year and living in the North West of England. The focus of his research is in understanding how people in various forms of previous work, including zero hours contract and self-employment, manage their financial situation witout employer benefits, such as full-time hours, sick pay, maternity pay and pensions. Kristian believes that precarious work creates an higher level of personal or financial risk, compared to those in permanent employment. To find out more or to take part in an online Zoom or Skype interview, please contact Kris Fuzi: [email protected].
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August 2024