does your political representative use zero hours contracts?
Write to them and ask whether they employ zero hours workers in their parliamentary and/or constituency offices and to our accreditation scheme?
The following Members of the UK Parliament (MPs) have all been accredited by Zero Hours Justice as No Zero employers or Fairer Hours employers in respect of their parliamentary and constituency offices
The following Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) have all been accredited by Zero Hours Justice as No Zero employers or Fairer Hours employers in respect of their parliamentary and constituency offices:
Clare Adamson MSP
Alasdair Allan MSP
Neil Bibby MSP
Sarah Boyack MSP
Miles Briggs MSP
Ariane Burgess MSP
Maggie Chapman MSP
Katy Clark MSP
Natalie Don MSP
Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP
Jim Fairlie MSP
Murdo Fraser MSP
Christine Grahame MSP
Rhoda Grant MSP
Neil Gray MSP
Bill Kidd MSP
Mark Griffin MSP
Monica Lennon MSP
Liam McArthur MSP
Paul McLennan MSP
Pauline McNeill MSP
Oliver Mundell MSP
Paul O'Kane MSP
Willie Rennie MSP
Emma Roddick MSP
Paul Sweeney MSP
Mercedes Villalba MSP
Alasdair Allan MSP
Neil Bibby MSP
Sarah Boyack MSP
Miles Briggs MSP
Ariane Burgess MSP
Maggie Chapman MSP
Katy Clark MSP
Natalie Don MSP
Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP
Jim Fairlie MSP
Murdo Fraser MSP
Christine Grahame MSP
Rhoda Grant MSP
Neil Gray MSP
Bill Kidd MSP
Mark Griffin MSP
Monica Lennon MSP
Liam McArthur MSP
Paul McLennan MSP
Pauline McNeill MSP
Oliver Mundell MSP
Paul O'Kane MSP
Willie Rennie MSP
Emma Roddick MSP
Paul Sweeney MSP
Mercedes Villalba MSP